Thomas Garms



After graduating in 1989, I worked in a public pharmacy for a period of six months. In 1990, I changed to my present employer, the General Hospital of Harburg in Hamburg. I am employed as a clinical pharmacist, with a field of work that includes Patient orientated services such as the preparation of individual cytostatic solutions. My special interest lies in education and specialisation. As a member of the education committee of the Apothekerkammer in Hamburg, I was part of the team, that developed the curriculum for specialisation in the field of Oncological Pharmacy Practice in Germany, that starts in spring 2000.I joined the ISOPP as a founding member in 1995 and became a member of the membership and finance committee. I also had the pleasure to be part of the organising team for the ISOPP IV Symposium, that was held in Hamburg in 1995 and have since been involved in organising various seminars and meetings dealing with oncology pharmacy. As chair of the election committee I organised the first two elections for the ISOPP secretariat in 1997 and 1998. In 1998 I became Chair of the finance committee. I´m responsible for the development of new guidelines for future ISOPP elections and for the standardisation of the certification guidelines, to enable countries to establish their own educational oncology pharmacy specialisation Systems. A further goal that I have, is to improve the communication between the ISOPP members. The work of the Membership and Finance committee will be handed over to the designated Professional Management Group and I will provide my fullest support.I will also improve the Internet display of ISOPP, to give the membership more possibilities to communicate and exchange new ideas and to create a further source of information, in addition to the JOPP. The internet has to be developed for ISOPP to increase the value of the ISOPP membership.